So I'll start this out by admitting something, I'm a little bit hillbilly. I'm 36 but grew up very old fashioned for my age and just a hair on the hillbilly side. Now, I'm not ashamed of that and I certainly don't think my childhood has in anyway hurt whom I have become. I would like to think I am a fairly cultured and well read and yes, a little hillbilly.
I say that because I was told that a lot as a child. I went without wearing shoes every chance I could. I hated wearing them and I am still that way today. If I did wear something on my feet I preferred the moccasins I made or maybe some flip flops. To this day I get poked at for doing yard and garden work barefoot. It's hard to explain why I am this way. I just love the feel of the earth. I love the smell of the grass and dirt, and the feeling of the dirt between my toes as I walk on it. I joke that my feet are just another of my senses. I'm smelling the dirt with my feet.
It's really no big deal I'm this way. A lot of people walk around barefoot so maybe that's why I've become a little amazed and humored at this new "craze" of walking around without shoes and that it even has a name, earthing. Now before I get the hate mail coming in I'm not hating on earthing or people walking around barefoot. I think everyone should do it. I just find it a little comical that it now has a such an eloquent name. I guess it's just because it was so natural for me growing up and now there is sort of a fad with it. But pushing that aside let's talk about it and see if there really is any benefit to it.