"..You didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen" the President let us know this past week and boy does it have the internet a buzz. Pundits from all sides are racing to be the first and loudest to put their two cents in on Mr. Obama's statement. The so called right is very quick to attack and expose the President for his "liberal" beliefs and counter him with the idea that American's have built what they have with their own two hands and not with the aide from big brother. But I think he's on to something.
Now before the hate mail starts rolling in let me quickly explain myself here.
In the July 13th speech Obama used phrases like "somebody along the line gave you some help", and "this unbelievable American system", could he be right? There are a lot of programs, aide and grants and he has a point that most education and our infrastructure is government funded and controlled. In fact nearly every aspect of our lives the government has their hand in one way or the other. So is the President correct and we just don't want to admit that or maybe, just maybe he is only partly correct. Let me explain.
Do Americans work hard and should they get credit for what they create? For the most part yes. In a very short amount of time America has been built to be a world leader and yes, that is mostly due to the ingenuity and strong work ethic America was founded on. But here is where Obama could be right. Over the last 30-60 years the state on every level has been in full growth mode. They have succeeded in poking their nose in and gaining a foot hold in every area of our lives. They tax and regulate nearly everything. They are looking over your shoulder everywhere you go and rarely can you make a transaction, build or invent something or start a business without Uncle Sam right there taking his piece of the pie.
I frequently use this as a way to help open people’s eyes to just how big government has become. Let me ask you, name me anything in your life that isn't in some way taxed, regulated, legislated, licensed or controlled in some way by government. I have yet to really find anything that isn't. Everything in your life in fact has had governments hand in it in some way. You can't even drink a glass of water without a tax or regulation on that water. I challenge you to look around and think of how much government is in your life and in everything that's in your life.
So maybe the President is right. You can't do anything without the government. Anything you create, build or invent has Uncle Sam’s hand in it. Instead of attacking him praise him for finally admitting that there is too much government! Let me tell you friends when we have a government that is regulating the amount of water I flush down the toilet when I use it, WE HAVE TOO MUCH GOVERNMENT! Open your eyes and see this. Realize that all these things around us could have been easily done without government and then you will soon see that the need for government is no longer there. Mr. Obama mentioned we thrive because of government and that is where he is off. Government is the one who thrives because of us. They need us to exist; we do not need them to exist. Don't fall for their lie any longer. We do not need them and the less we use them, the less we run to them the more insignificant they will become in our lives.
ReplyDeleteThat was very well stated and I applaud your insight. I must admit that I found nothing there to disagree with you on.
As you well know I am a very Conservative Constitutionalist with strong Christian leanings. (Ha)
Now, having said that, I begin: As we have progressed as a nation for the last several decades, we have been led, covertly, by the progressives (under many different guises and acronyms)down the road to our demise. Starting with Woodrow Wilson, the progressives of both parties have slowly and deliberately eroded our Constitutional Protections as they methodically placed their followers and believers in positions in our schools, our courts, in our legislatures and in our churches, with the sole purpose of corrupting our youth, to their ideology.
They have consistently gained advantages for themselves as they expanded government control and by the use of the courts and legislatures, garnered more power for themselves, at our expense. It has been growing for years and years and no one noticed and cried out a warning until recently.
I don't know if our country can be restored to the intended level of our Founders, but I do know that there will be a war coming. I am prepared to fight that war with all my resources be it a vocal/political conflict, or something more.