So a couple of days ago I posted a video on YouTube asking is it possible for at least some in the anarchist community to come together, put aside their differences and work together on issues they can agree upon. Hopefully this video is just the first of many more on the subject.
Although I'll be the first to admit that the video is not my best work and making videos and being able to properly express myself in front of the camera is not my strong point, it is something I am trying to work on. I do know I am very passionate about freedom and living life without boundaries and controls. I know that I have been this way for as long as I can remember so if I can find a way to express that with you through video it is something I want to try to do.
The point of these new videos are to hopefully begin to bring together those that are willing to talk openly and respectfully with each other on the various differences of anarchism, and yes maybe even bring in those theories that come close to anarchism. To begin to make some actual progress. To stop the infighting and tearing each other down and not just between the more separate theories but even the fighting going on within these groups. This kind of behavior does no good to anyone or any movement. I believe in my heart there are enough good hearted and well intentioned people out there, regardless of the "color" of anarchism they embrace, that can agree to disagree on some things and work together to find common ground so that real progress can be made. When real progress is made it doesn't just glorify one person or group or theory, real progress will improve all of our lives and those lives that are yet to come.
You see I'm a dreamer. I envision things. I daily strive to see this world differently. Yes, I understand all the complex social economic theories out there regarding power, control, markets, socialism, individualism, etc. I get them, I've read them but quite frankly I don't care about that, at least not now. What I do care about is seeing myself, my family, my friends, those around me and the rest of humanity begin to live a life to their fullest extent. This can only ever be accomplished with the full liberation of human kind. I know what you're saying though, those other things I said I don't care about so much are important, and they are, but the continual focus and debate on them does nothing but bottle up the full potential of true freedom. These subjects have been debated now for centuries and we have gotten no closer to freedom because of those debates. We have only been successful in creating a bigger divide amongst ourselves. This, unfortunately is what we as humans do best, divide ourselves and weaken our causes.
I am a common man, I am nothing special. I have a wife, kids, dog and a cat. We are pretty normal, whatever that is. Yeah we still live in "the system", everyone does no matter what you do to limit it, you still do. I live with an open mind and open heart and everyday try to instillation little more independence in my life. Isn't that what real anarchy is? Living with respect and love but without the control and oppression?
I have had the wonderful opportunity to met and know many different and sometimes colorful people in my life. Some I consider very dear friends even though we may be located many miles apart. On the surface many of these people would seem to have nothing in common. Some are devoutly religious or militantly atheist or maybe openly pagan. Some are hippies and desire a simpler life drawing them close to the earth. Some are intellectuals, nicely dressed and focused on their business and families. Some are openly activists and there seemingly every movement and life decision is dictated by their passion for change whether it being in a loud protest or hitch hiking across the country spreading their ideas of freedom and awakening anyone who will listen to them about oppression. Some though just look normal, you know; job, kids, mortgage, debt, stress and yet still and undying desire to be free. You see in all these groups of people ( and more) there are all sorts of labels, all sorts of differences, all sorts of people. We have our own beliefs and moral compasses and we see each issue differently because it's all based upon the reality we create for ourselves.
We in a sense create our own demise. We create these barriers. We create this divide. You see our shackles that we fight against isn't in the systems we all love to hate. The chains that bind us isn't forged in the corporate office. The servitude we despise isn't printed on some valueless paper. Our slavery is created in the walls we build between each other simply because we think we are all so different. We spend so much time trying to pick out what separates us that we overlook the blatantly obvious lists of things that makes us alike.
We do this everywhere and everyday. Not just within the anarchist/freedom movements. This is really just human nature. The only difference is that freedom is different. It is what can make or break who we are as individuals and as a people. Freedom, liberating freedom is what really gives us our humanity in a sense. It is something worth standing and fighting for. It is something worth believing in. So this is why it hurts and frustrates me so much when I see so many people that I know are very passionate and knowledgable and aware but yet off spinning their own wheels alone just because we refuse to all pull this weight together.
I know there are many good people out there that truly desire freedom. They desire a better tomorrow, they dream of real peace and a better society. Maybe you call yourself and anarchist, maybe a minarchist, a libertarian, a socialist, a feminist, a communist, a constitutionalist, a naturalist, a voluntaryist or maybe you just call yourself a human but you also share this same desire with me. If this is you and you want to stand with me embracing freedom and laying aside our differences I ask you to join me. I don't know where these videos are headed nor do I have some elaborate plans for a new movement. I just want to see my brothers and sisters free and I'm willing to step out of my comfort zone to do that. If we stand together we can begin to see some great accomplishments. I am always open and available to be contacted. I do answer my emails and comments so please feel free to drop me a line and let's see what we can do when we stand together.
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